August 2016 Edition

Inside This Edition

For our first edition, we’ve included a variety of pieces that tell a multitude of different stories. Having decided to not base the first edition around a single theme, you’ll notice a deliberately eclectic, scrappy mix of short stories and flash fiction.

From chilling emotional tales to the humorous, there’s something for every taste. Ephrat Livni offers up a sharp and stinging humor piece in the form of Beginning Tips for Terra-ists, with a topic that begs to be made into a full-length novel. Meanwhile, Elena Byrd’s short, The Boxer, is a rousing piece with fantasy and dramatic elements, highlighted by an intriguing premise and the lost, yearning narration of its lead.

Rounding out our first edition is Daddy Dearest, a short story; Phone Call, a flash fiction piece (also authored by Elena Byrd); She Would Walk Home, a short story; Pause/Play, a flash fiction; Returning to Main Street, a short story; and Mr. Depleted (Part One), the first of a two-part comedic tale.

We’re thrilled to introduce you to these writers and their works of fiction, and we hope you stick around for more.