Putting Down the Pen

In January 2016, work first began on a little literary project we named Defiant Scribe. Led by a small team of writers, editors, and readers, we wanted to create a modern magazine specializing in fiction for the current generation. The first edition premiered in the waning days of summer ’16. In the time since, Defiant Scribe has published 250 pieces ranging from micro flash fiction to novelettes, written by 105 different writers. There have been short stories of every genre, spread across 18 editions, and a variety of nonfiction work on our blog. We’ve published writers from the UK, every part of the United States, South and Central America, and various countries within Europe and Asia. We’ve published college students just beginning their writing careers as well as seasoned college professors. We’ve published full-time writers and hobbyists, experienced novelists and accomplished screenwriters. People of all walks of life, each with unique stories to tell. We’re so happy to have been able to read them.

It is with a heavy heart that we announce the end of Defiant Scribe—this beautiful, weird experiment of ours, a collective labor of love. After having had so much success these past few years, gaining more and more readers with each edition and carving out our niche in the literary magazine world, we hate to step away. But, with many of our team members moving on to new creative ventures, it’s a necessity.

Keeping Defiant Scribe running has never been easy, but it has been rewarding. We’re immensely proud of every issue we’ve published; we’re thrilled to have been able to offer a platform for amazing writers and curious readers. We cannot express to you how grateful we are to all of you: those who have written for us, who have read us, who have signed up to our mailing list or followed us on Twitter, who have—in any and every way—shown their support. Without you, Defiant Scribe wouldn’t be what it is today. So, thank you.

Rest assured that the Defiant Scribe website—the literary haven where you currently find yourself—will remain online indefinitely. Our archives, crammed with so many delightful stories and nonfiction pieces, aren’t going anywhere. You’ll be able to retreat back into the worlds and words of our writers whenever you wish. The only change is that, unfortunately, we will not be posting any new editions or blog content after August 2019. But until then, keep reading—we have some great material coming your way.

We’re pleased to report that the goal of Defiant Scribe—to offer inclusive, original fiction to all people, free of charge—has been met. And that’s due, in large part, to our former and current staff of writers, editors, submission reviewers, collaborators, and social media managers. While it pains us to say goodbye, we can’t wait to see what all of you do next. Particular thanks to Elena Byrd, Sean Sanford, Sapphire Huie, Whitney Genevro, Aaron Elias, Greg Roensch, Stewart Lindh, Nick Nelson, Erin Carini, Andrew Feldman, Soryn Silpram, Fionna Kuhn, Eimear Picardo, Will Sullivan, Ali Candlin, Dana Ramirez, and Zofia.

Our June and August editions are forthcoming, so we encourage you, our readers and contributors, to continue reading and submitting your work to us in the meantime. After that? Well, we have only this to say: stay defiant. Stay bold, unique, and daring. Don’t ever stop reading and writing. We’ll miss you.