August 2017: The Best of Defiant Scribe's First Year
Inside This Edition
It’s Defiant Scribe’s first birthday, and in honor of the occasion, our August issue is a best-of retrospective. Yes, we’re re-running some of our favorite pieces of the last year, and all the stories that we believe most exemplify what Defiant Scribe stands for: original writing, with diverse characters, that tell an array of unexpected and underrated tales. If you missed any of these stories the first time around, now’s your chance to give them a read—and we promise they’re worth it.
Feeling nostalgic and want to revisit our very first edition? We’ve got you covered. Pseudo Nym’s Pause/Play, Elena Byrd’s The Boxer, and Beginning Tips for Terra-ists by Ephrat Livni are three of the best pieces from our debut issue.
Our second edition, comprised of a Halloween-themed set of stories and released back in October 2016, is represented by such spine-tingling thrillers and chillers as The Reason I Don’t Let My Kids Trick-or-Treat by S.A. Decomprosed, Rorroh by Nicola Hayden, and Zofia’s I Was Ghosted (By a Ghost) and Jack-o-Lantern.
Meanwhile, The Cookie Girl and the Christmas Party is a throwback to our December 2016 issue, while Samantha Bloom’s The Fig Tree is the standout story from our February “Guilt and Regrets” edition.
Our April publication was a glorious tribute to antiheroes, and you can spend some more time with those distinctive characters by revisiting The Mutants by Greg Burkholder, Riley’s Cover Letter by Riley Driscoll, Three Little Girls by Zofia, And Anna Begins by Samantha Smith, or letterS cAN savE my life by Cameron Mitchell.
Last but certainly not least, we have choice excerpts from our most recent issue (June 2017), the theme of which was Vanity and the Societal Fixation on Beauty. Some of our favorite pieces from this edition can be found here, including No Love Lost by Zachary Amendt, She’s Fine by Anna Rose, The Ash’s Echo by Sean Sanford, That Moonlight Smile by Aaron Elias, and His Love Story Stinks by Nick Nelson.
We hope you enjoy this trip down memory lane—and don’t worry, we’ll be back with all-new tales on Friday, October 13th, for our second-annual Halloween edition.
On behalf of all of us here at Defiant Scribe, thank you for reading. Here’s to another year of great stories.